Patient Safety

Patient Safety [PS] is a discipline that aims to reduce and prevent risks, errors, and harm by reporting adverse events. WHO states that annually 2.6 million deaths take place in low and middle-income countries due to unsafe medication practices which are preventable.

NCD Alliance Lanka [NCDAL] and the Diabetes Association of Sri Lanka [DASL] are collaborating with Patient for Patient Safety Network Asia-Pacific (PFPSN-AP) to make healthcare more patient-centric by empowering Patient and family engagement of the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021–3 as per WHO strategic objective 4. The secretariat of this network is hosted by the Patient Academy for Innovation and Research [PAIR].

Overall, the mission of PFPSN-AP and the NCDAL and DASL is to highlight the need for patient safety, where everyone receives safe and high-quality medical care while reducing avoidable harm due to unsafe care that occur during the delivery of healthcare in the government and private healthcare systems. 

Patient safety survey

Do you have a personal story about an adverse experience of medical harm ?  If the answer is YES, we invite you to share your story which can be used to advocate PS in order that everyone receives safe and high-quality medical care.

The questionnaire is a preventive tool to reduce similar adverse events in future. The survey will take less than 5 minutes and participation is voluntary and information provided confidential and anonymous.  Please share this with friends and family or anyone who has experienced avoidable harm resulting in disability or death.

The PS questionnaire is attached below in all 3 languages.

Your story matters and can help us to advocate improved PS that can save lives!