Education and Awareness

Member organisations of the NCDAL conduct direct and indirect education, awareness and screening programmes [EAS] in a bid to educate the general public, communities and persons in work settings. 

The methodology of EAS programmes is translational, evidence based on “Diabrisk-sl”, a collaborative research study conducted by the Diabetes Association of Sri Lanka (DASL) together with Kings College London which consisted on identification of risk and prevention through simple low cost life style modification. 

To standardize this  programme, a master power point presentation was created along with a questionnaire to assess risk factors which included anthropometric measurements for BMI, waist circumference, glucometer testing and blood pressure measurements. This was followed by individualized lifestyle advice for persons with more than 4 risk factors or reduce risk through lifestyle modification. NCDAL has educated more than 50000 persons island-wide since 2017.

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